Adult Religious Education — 9:30 AM
Iris Craig, “Renewal”
If we step away for a time, as many will think, and, some will accuse, we are being irresponsible, but rather, we are preparing ourselves to more ably perform our duties and discharge our obligations. - Maya Angelou
A funny notion, feeling whole. Rare moments of deep play, we can lay aside our sense of self. shed times continuum, ignore pain, and sit quietly in the absolute present, watching the worlds ordinary miracles. No mind or heart hobbies. No analyzing or explaining. No questing for logic. No promises. No goals. No relationships. No worry. - Dan Ackerman
What brings you joy, play, balance, centering peace, relaxation, recreation, renewal?
What external and internal factors influence the amount of time you take for renewal?
If you had more time for renewal, what would you do?
Main Service — 11:00 AM
Guest minister Rev. Dr. David Sammons, “Alive”
"For months we struggled with the confinement required to avoid Covid, then the numbers went down and we began to move around again. Some said it felt 'Alive' again. What does alive mean now that many of us now have more freedom?'
David Sammons is Minister Emeritus of the Mt. Diablo UU Church, which he served for 23 years after ministries in Rochester, N.Y., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Evanston, Illinois. He also served on the faculty of Star King School for the Ministry and did interim ministries in Golden, Colorado and San Francisco and several consulting roles for the UUA before finally retiring.
Social Hour — ten minutes after completion of the main service
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