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11 - Jul
(Nearby Event: Other)
Where:Napa Valley Unitarian Universalists, 1625 Salvador Ave,, Napa County, California, United States, 94558
Adult Religious Education — 9:30 AM K'lyn Matthews, “Do You See Me?” During the past year of separation from society, we were hidden from each other while in plain sight on Zoom. We have now and are still emerging from behind our pandemic masks. But in addition to those physical masks, there may also have been some psychological masks in play. In recent studies, psychological masking is defined as concealing one emotion by portraying another emotion. The pandemic produced myriad emotions in each of us, many of which were uncomfortable, so it was natural to want to hide them. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5, verse 16 to Rejoice evermore, and in verse 19 to Quench not the Spirit. Reflect on how you can now rejoice and experience life to the fullest, expressing your essential Spirit. As we emerge and rejoin in creating our new normal world, let’s discuss: • What masks did we or do we continue to wear? • How might we release our fears, remove those masks, and show up as our authentic selves? Main Service — 10:30 AM North Bay Unitarian Universalist Round Robin Service UU of Petaluma, Rev. Dara Olandt, “I Brought My Spirit to the Sea” Awe and wonder, joy and delight, frustration, pain, disappointment, sorrow -- our lives are full, and the past year has held much. Today we ask: "how are you healing today"? In this service we call forth a renewal of the spirit and we shall celebrate the collaboration that has been the North Bay Round Robin services! (What lies in store? Come, let's gather to explore.) Social Hour — ten minutes after completion of the service Visit for service links.
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